NoeHill Travels in California

California Historical Landmarks in Tuolumne County

California Historical Landmark 460
Second Garrote
20450 Old State Route 120

California Historical Landmark #460: Second Garrote
California Historical Landmark #460: Second Garrote
17 December 2006
(Click the Photo to Read the Plaque)

Second Garrote

Sizable settlement established at this rich placer location in 1849 by miners spreading east from Big Oak Flat and Groveland. Famous Hangman's Tree, part of which still stands (1950). Reported to have been instrumental in death of a number of law-breakers during the heyday of this locality, hence its name.

State Registered Landmark No. 460

Plaque placed by California Centennials Commission
Base provided by Charles G. Hall Post No. 3668 V.F.W.
Dedicated September 17, 1950

Tuolumne County: List | Map
California: List | Map