National Register of Historic Places in Jackson County

National Register #80003321: Central Point Public School 13 July 2007
(Click Photo to Zoom)
National Register #79002071
Antelope Creek Covered Bridge
Ten Miles Southeast of Eagle Point
Built 1922

This queen post truss bridge, with a span of fifty-eight feet, was built in 1922.

When the Antelope Creek Covered Bridge was listed on the national Register in 1979, it spanned Antelope Creek ten miles southeast of Eagle Point.

In August 1987, the bridge was dismantled, hauled to Eagle Point and reassembled as a pedestrian bridge over Little Butte Creek where it was relisted as National Register #88000273.

The photograph shows the reassembled bridge over Little Butte Creek.

Historic Covered Bridges in California

California Powder Works Bridge
Glen Canyon
Honey Run

Knights Ferry
Oregon Creek
Zane's Ranch

Historic Covered Bridges in Oregon

Antelope Creek
Grave Creek Horse Creek
Little Butte Creek
Lost Creek

Sandy Creek

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