Historic Sites and Points of Interest in Douglas County
Douglas Lodge #12 of the Free and Accepted Masons was chartered on September 17, 1868, by the newly created Grand Lodge of Nevada.
In early 1873, the lodge purchased this building which had been constructed by John Childs in 1872. The masons added a second floor for their meeting hall which has been in continuous use by the lodge ever since.
Some Masonic Halls in California
Alameda, Benicia, Berkeley, Camptonville, Colfax, Columbia, Daly City, Downieville, Ferndale, Fort Bragg, Grass Valley, Greenville, Hornitos, Jamestown, Knights Ferry, Mendocino, Milton, Murphys, Nevada City, North Bloomfield, Orland, Sacramanto, Sacramanto (Eastern Star Hall), Saint Helena, San Francisco (1849), San Francisco (1911), Shasta State Historic Park, Sonoma, Suison City, Susanville, Tehama, Vallejo, Westwood, Wheatland, Willows, Woodbridge
Other Masonic Halls in The American West
Ashland, Oregon; Austin, Nevada; Genoa, Nevada; Gardnerville, Nevada