National Register of Historic Places in Lander County
Austin was born in 1862 when a horse kicked over a rock in the mouth of Pony Canyon revealing rich silver ore that caused a rush of people to the area.
Within a year, over fibe thousand rugged individuals were living here. Within two years a peak of ten thousand or more were Austin residents and staking claims for miles around what is now the town. Over $5?0 million in silver ore was taken out before the major decline took place.
Not only was Austin the mother of at least thirty other mining towns in all directions, but it was the seat of a vast area including Lander, Eureka, Elko and White Pine counties, plus a part of Nye County.
Austin outlived nearly all of the towns it mothered.
Buildings that contribute to the historic district include: Old City Hall, International Hotel, Nevada Central Railroad Engine House, Methodist Church, St. George Episcopal Church, St. Augustine Church, Lander County Courthouse, Nevada's oldest bank building, the early home of opera diva Emma Nevada, the Reese River Reveille building, the Masonic Lodge, the Gridley Store and Stokes Castle.
Many of these buildings were individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places in the early 21st century.
Source: Adapted from the NRHP nomination form submitted in 1971.