National Register of Historic Places in Siskiyou County

National Register #79000554: Falkenstein House in Yreka, California 20 February 2011
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National Register #79000554
Falkenstein House
401 South Gold Street
Built 1855

This building is a rare Western example of an Andrew Jackson Downing "suburban cottage in the Italian style."

Also of historical interest is an 1873 addition which uses a gravel wall construction technique made popular by the phrenologist Orson Squire Fowler. (Fowler inspired a national craze for octagon houses, two of which survive in San Francisco: the Feusier Octagon House on Russian Hill and the McElroy Octagon House in Cow Hollow.)

The original first floor was constructed of thick stone and mud mortar. In 1865, the stones were coated with cement and scribed to give the appearance of some, regular stone. The second story is brick, coated with scribed stucco.

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