NoeHill Travels in California

California Historical Landmarks in Sacramento County

California Historical Landmark 594
China Slough Site
4th and I Streets

California Historical Landmark 594: China Slough Site Site of China Slough on 3 January 2009.
The brick building in the background is
California Landmark 633-2, Folsom Powerhouse Station A.

1878 Photograph of China Slough in Sacramento, California Old Central Pacific Depot and Trestle Bridge Over the China Slough in 1878
Courtesy Center for Sacramento History

1878 Photograph of China Slough in Sacramento, California China Slough" and the railroad construction project along I Street during the great flood of 1862
Courtesy Center for Sacramento History

(Click Images to Zoom)

China Slough Site

The site of the slough, which formerly extended from 3rd to 5th Streets and north of I Street in Sacramento, is now occupied by the Southern Pacific depot.

Citation from California Office of Historic Preservation

China Slough must have been filled in decades ago. It used to run about where the railroad tracks run today, behind the Southern Pacific Depot on I Street.

We were unable to locate a commemorative plaque for China Slough. Here's a list of other California Historical Landmarks which had no bear flag plaque when we visited them.

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