NoeHill Travels in California

California Historical Landmarks in Inyo County

California Historical Landmark 848
Eichbaum Toll Road
State Route 190 in Stovepipe Wells Village
Death Valley National Park

California Historical Landmark #848: Eichbaum Toll Road
California Historical Landmark #848: Eichbaum Toll Road
20 February 2007
(Click Photos to Zoom)

Eichbaum Toll Road

In 1926 H.W. Eichbaum obtained a franchise for a toll road from Darwin Falls to Stovepipe Wells, the first maintained road into the valley from the west. It changed the area from mining to tourism and brought about the creation of Death Valley National Monument seven years later.

State Registered Historical Landmark No. 848

Plaque Placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the Death Valley '49ers, Inc., November 12, 1971

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