San Francisco Landmarks
The Bransten House is a Georgian Eclectic brick structure, an architectural style and building material uncommon in San Francisco domestic architecture.
Designed by San Francisco architect Herman Barth (1868-1923), the building reflects the early 20th century turning away from Victorian extravagance to Classical and Colonial restraint. Barth's knowledgeable use of architectural detail, massing, and siting combine to create a design of considerable quality.
Among Barth's buildings are the Krotoszyner Medical Offices and House and the south wing of the San Francisco City and County Hospital.
William Haas commissioned the house as a gift for his daughter, Florine, upon her marriage to Edward Brandenstein (who later changed his name to Bransten.) For more about the Haas family, see San Francisco Landmark 69, Haas-Lilienthal House.