NoeHill Travels in California

California Historical Landmarks in San Luis Obispo County

California Historical Landmark 1033
Rancho Nipomo
671 South Oak Glen Avenue

California Historical Landmark 1033: Rancho Nipomo
  California Historical Landmark 1033: Rancho Nipomo
  California Historical Landmark 1033: Rancho Nipomo
12 March 2017
(Click Photos to Zoom)

Rancho Nipomo
(Captain William G. Dana Rancho)

Rancho Nipomo, almost 38,000 acres in size, was granted to Boston sea captain William Goodwin Dana, in 1837. The rancho for many years was the first stopping place on El Camino Real south of Mission San Luis Obispo. From 1839 until Dana's death in 1858, the Rancho was known throughout the state as a hospitable stopping place for travelers, including Captain John C. Fremont, Edwin Bryant, and General Henry W. Halleck. In 1847 the "Dana Ranch" became one of four designated exchange points on California's first U.S. mail route.

California Registered Historical Landmark No. 1033

Plaque placed by the State Department of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the Dana Adobe Nipomo Amigos, June 9, 2001.

Rancho Nipomo is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

San Luis Obispo County: List | Map
California: List | Map