Marin County Points of Interest
In 2004, the Bolinas Land Trust (BLT) purchased and renovated a local gas station and garage to create affordable housing and provide community-driven retail spaces. BLT operates Bo-Gas as a community service. According to BLT, it is the only non-profit gas station in California. Source: Bolinas Land Trust
27 April 2022
19th Century House
27 April 2022
(Click Photos to Zoom)
In 1846, Bolinas and Stinson Beach were part of a Mexican land grant named Rancho Las Baulines that bordered Bolinas Lagoon. Prior to European colonization, the Coast Miwok lived in the area.
The first post office opened in 1863. Most of the downtown buildings were built between 1850 and 1920.
Since the hippie occupation of 1967, Bolinas has been a walled garden. The residents do not want you to visit. They do not want you to buy a house or build a house.
In 1971, the Bolinas water district placed a moratorium on new water meters to halt new construction.
Bolinas is just off California Highway 1, the scenic Coastal Highway. If you are driving on CA 1 without a map or GPS, you will miss Bolinas. Whenever CalTrans installs a directional sign on CA 1, it immediately goes missing.