NoeHill: San Francisco Architects
Edward E. Young
2153 Sacramento Street in Pacific Heights
Built 1912
2153 Sacramento Street in Pacific Heights, designed by Edward E. Young, built 1912

Arthur Conan Doyle House and 2153 Sacramento Street "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle House" at 2151 Sacramento Street and the Apartment House at 2153 Sacramento Street
Both Photographs 19 September 2019

The apartment building at 2153 Sacramento Street faces Lafayette Park.

The most interesting building in the block is the Beaux Arts building next door at 2151 Sacramento Street which was designed by architect Mel I. Schwartz for Dr. Albert Abrams and built in 1921. A plaque on the front of the building asserts that "this house, built in 1881, was once occupied by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle."

The consensus is that the house was built in 1920 or 1921, not 1881, and that Sir Arthur never occupied it. The creator of Sherlock Holmes did visit San Francisco in 1923 and may have dropped in to visit Dr. Abrams.

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