Historic Sites and Points of Interest in Shasta County

Lassen Volcanic National Park
Lassen Volcanic National Park
25 September 2013

South of Red Bluff on a Road Named Dusty Way
South of Red Bluff on a Road Named Dusty Way
25 September 2006

Lake Shasta and Pitt River Bridge
Lake Shasta and Pitt River Bridge on I-5
10 September 2015

Northern Shasta County is located in the forested Cascade Range. Southern Shasta County is located in the agricultural Sacramento Valley.

The Shasta County Farm Bureau reported that the top five crops in 2007 were timber, forest products, hay, stockers and feeders (cattle), and strawberries.

When California became a state in 1850, Shasta County was one of the original twenty-seven counties.

The word Shasta was perhaps derived from the name of an Indian tribe or perhaps from a Russian word for pure. (Russians were early explorers, trappers and settlers in northern California.) The name Shasta was applied not only to the county but also to a river, a town and the spectacular stratovolcano which dominates the landscape of Shasta and Siskiyou Counties.

In 1852, Shasta County ceded territory to its northern neighbor Siskiyou County, and in 1856, it ceded territory to its southern neighbor Tehama County.

Name Address City Year Authority ID Sort Address Sort Name
Antlers Boat RampInterstate 5Lake Shasta POIHighway 005Antlers Boat Ramp
Ash Creek Road Stone CorralAsh Creek RoadAndersonPOIAsh Creek RoadAsh Creek Road Stone Corral
Bass HillBridge Bay ResortLake ShastaCalifornia148I-5Bass Hill
Battle RockI-5Castle Crags State Park1855California116I-5Battle Rock
Bell's BridgeHighway 99 and Clear Creek Road Redding1851California519Highway 099Bell's Bridge
Burney FallsState Route 89McArthur-Burney Falls State ParkPOIHighway 089Burney Falls
Cascade Theatre1731 Market StreetRedding1935National2001001459Market 1731Cascade Theatre
Clear CreekHighway 99 and Canyon RoadRedding1848California78Highway 099Clear Creek
Cottonwood Historic DistrictOff Highway 99CottonwoodNational1973000456Highway 099Cottonwood Historic District
Coyle-Foster BarnMackley AlleyShasta State Historic Park1859POIMackleyCoyle-Foster Barn
Dersch HomesteadDersch Road at Bear CreekEast of Anderson1850California120DerschDersch Homestead
Diestelhorst Auto CampMiddle Creek Road and Benton DriveReddingPOIMiddle CreekDiestelhorst Auto Camp
Fall River Valley SchoolState Route 299McArthur1868California759Highway 299Fall River Valley School
Father Rinaldi's Foundation10562 High StreetShasta1853California483High 10562Father Rinaldi's Foundation
Flume 20263 Olinda RoadAnderson1918POIOlindaFlume
Fort CrookMcArthur Road and Soldier Mountain RoadMcArthur1857California355McArthurFort Crook
Fort ReadingDersch Road at Cow CreekAnderson1852California379DerschFort Reading
Fountain FireState Route 299BurnryPOIHighway 299Fountain Fire
French GulchTrinity Mountain Road at French Gulch RoadFrench Gulch1849California166Trinity MountainFrench Gulch
French Gulch Historic DistrictMain StreetFrench Gulch1849National1972000257MainFrench Gulch Historic District
Frisbie House1246 East StreetRedding1887National1990000550East 1246Frisbie House
Gallows State Route 299Shasta State Historic ParkPOIHighway 299Gallows
Gladstone Houses12962-12964 Cline Gulch RoadFrench GulchNational1995001374Cline Gulch 12962Gladstone Houses
Horseshoe Lake Ranger StationLassen Volcanic National ParkLassen Volcanic National ParkNational1978000292Lassen Volcanic National ParkHorseshoe Lake Ranger Station
Klub KlondikeMain Street and Moody AvenueLakehead-LakeshorePOIMainKlub Klondike
Lassen Highway Historic DistrictState Route 89Lassen Volcanic National ParkNational2006000527Highway 089Lassen Highway Historic District
Lockhart FerryState Route 299 Near Long StreetFall River Mills 1856California555Highway 299Lockhart Ferry
Loomis Museum38050 Highway 36 EastLassen Volcanic National Park1926National1975000177Highway 036Loomis Museum
Manzanita Lake Comfort Station in Loop CState Route 89Lassen Volcanic National Park1925National2006000529089-010Manzanita Lake Comfort Station in Loop C
Manzanita Lake Historic DistrictState Route 89Lassen Volcanic National ParkNational2006000525089-010Manzanita Lake Historic District
Manzanita LakeComfort Station at Camp StoreState Route 89Lassen Volcanic National Park1925National2006000528089-010Manzanita LakeComfort Station at Camp Store
Noble Pass RouteState Route 44Lassen Volcanic National Park1852California11Highway 044Noble Pass Route
Nobles Emigrant TrailLassen Volcanic National ParkLassen Volcanic National ParkNational1975000222Lassen Volcanic National ParkNobles Emigrant Trail
Nobles Trail 38: Snow Capped MountainsState Route 44Nobles TrailPOINobles Trail 38Nobles Trail 38: Snow Capped Mountains
Nobles Trail 39: Hat Creek RimState Route 44Nobles TrailPOINobles Trail 39Nobles Trail 39: Hat Creek Rim
Nobles Trail 40: Devil's Half AcreState Route 44Nobles TrailPOINobles Trail 40Nobles Trail 40: Devil's Half Acre
Nobles Trail 41: Hat Creek StationState Route 44 at Hat Creek CampgroundNobles TrailPOINobles Trail 41Nobles Trail 41: Hat Creek Station
Nobles Trail 42: Little Hat Creek HillState Route 44/89Nobles TrailPOINobles Trail 42Nobles Trail 42: Little Hat Creek Hill
Nobles Trail 43: Lost Creek RouteForest Road 32N12Nobles TrailPOINobles Trail 43Nobles Trail 43: Lost Creek Route
Nobles Trail 44: Lost Camp StationState Route 44/89Nobles TrailPOINobles Trail 44Nobles Trail 44: Lost Camp Station
Nobles Trail 45: Emigrant FordForest Service RoadNobles TrailPOINobles Trail 45Nobles Trail 45: Emigrant Ford
Nobles Trail 46: Lost Creek 1852-1854Forest Service RoadNobles TrailPOINobles Trail 46Nobles Trail 46: Lost Creek 1852-1854
Nobles Trail 47: Table MountainState Route 44/89Nobles TrailPOINobles Trail 47Nobles Trail 47: Table Mountain
Nobles Trail 48: Third Nobles Trail PassState Route 44/89Nobles TrailPOINobles Trail 48Nobles Trail 48: Third Nobles Trail Pass
Nobles Trail 49: Manzanita CreekState Route 44Nobles Trail1852POINobles Trail 49Nobles Trail 49: Manzanita Creek
Nobles Trail 50: Manzanita ChuteState Route 44Nobles Trail1853POINobles Trail 50Nobles Trail 50: Manzanita Chute
Nobles Trail 51: Deer FlatDeer Flat RoadNobles Trail1854POINobles Trail 51Nobles Trail 51: Deer Flat
Nobles Trail 52: Battle Creek FordDeer Flat RoadNobles Trail1852POINobles Trail 52Nobles Trail 52: Battle Creek Ford
Nobles Trail 53: JunctionState Route 44Nobles Trail1852POINobles Trail 53Nobles Trail 53: Junction
Nobles Trail 54: McCumber's MillSquaw Springs RoadNobles TrailPOINobles Trail 54Nobles Trail 54: McCumber's Mill
Nobles Trail 55: Shingletown31268 State Route 44Nobles Trail1852POINobles Trail 55Nobles Trail 55: Shingletown
Nobles Trail 56: Charly's RanchState Route 44Nobles TrailPOINobles Trail 56Nobles Trail 56: Charly's Ranch
Nobles Trail 57: Mountain StationDersch RoadNobles TrailPOINobles Trail 57Nobles Trail 57: Mountain Station
Nobles Trail 58: Bear CreekDersch Road East of Bear CreekNobles TrailPOINobles Trail 58Nobles Trail 58: Bear Creek
Nobles Trail 59: Emigrant FerryDeschutes Road at Right Bank Sacramento RiverNobles TrailPOINobles Trail 59Nobles Trail 59: Emigrant Ferry
Nobles Trail 60: Canon House4255 Westside RoadRedding1860POIWestsideNobles Trail 60: Canon House
Nobles Trail 61: Shasta CityState Route 299Nobles TrailPOINobles Trail 61Nobles Trail 61: Shasta City
Old California Oregon RoadHighway 273 and Spring Gulch RoadAnderson1850California58Highway 273Old California Oregon Road
Old Shasta County CourthouseState Route 299Shasta State Historic Park POIHighway 299Old Shasta County Courthouse
Old StationState Route 89 Near Brians WayOld Station Post OfficePOI089-50Old Station
Old Town of ShastaState Route 299Shasta1849California77Highway 299Old Town of Shasta
Old Town of ShastaState Route 299Shasta1849National1971000199Highway 299Old Town of Shasta
Phillips Brothers Mill29334 Bullskin Ridge RoadOak RunNational2002001406BullskinPhillips Brothers Mill
Pine Street School1135 Pine StreetRedding1922National1978000791Pine 1135Pine Street School
Pioneer Baby's GraveState Route 299Shasta1864California377Highway 299Pioneer Baby's Grave
Prospect Peak Fire LookoutNortheast of MineralLassen Volcanic National ParkNational1978000295MineralProspect Peak Fire Lookout
Reading AdobeAdobe RoadCottonwood1847California10AdobeReading Adobe
Reading AdobeAdobe RoadCottonwood1847National1971000194AdobeReading Adobe
Reading's BarClear Creek RoadRedding1848California32Clear CreekReading's Bar
Redding Old City Hall Building1313 Market StreetRedding1907National1978000790Market 1313Redding Old City Hall Building
Sims BridgeSims RoadSimsPOISimsSims Bridge
Southern's Stage Station19010 Mears Ridge RoadSims1859California33MearsSouthern's Stage Station
Stone Turnpike Memorial FreewayI-5 Lakehead Rest AreaLakehead Rest AreaPOII-5Stone Turnpike Memorial Freeway
Summit Lake Ranger StationLassen Volcanic National ParkLassen Volcanic National Park1926National1978000296Lassen Volcanic National ParkSummit Lake Ranger Station
Sundial BridgeSacramento RiverReddingPOISundialSundial Bridge
Tower House DistrictWhiskeytown National Recreation AreaWhiskeytownNational1973000257WhiskeytownTower House District
Western Star Masonic LodgeState Route 299Shasta State Historic Park POIHighway 299Western Star Masonic Lodge
WhiskeytownState Route 299Whiskeytown1849California131Highway 299Whiskeytown
Shasta County Map
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