Historic Sites and Points of Interest in Sierra County

Bovee Building in Alleghany The marker is located at the far end of the Bovee Building near the utility pole.
Clamper Association of Roisterous Peddlers 6 October 2016
242 Main Street

The marker is located in front of the Bovee Building:


Clamper Association of Roisterous Peddlers was founded May 16, 1987 (5992). Near this spot, five Clamper hawkers, headed by Walt Walters, after much deliberation and libation, organized this stupendous association, dedicated to the procuring of gold dust for the coffers of the E Clampus Vitus, to further its honorable and worthy endeavors.

C.A.R.P. has dedicated this plaque in honor of its founder, Absalom (Walt) Walters, Jr. Clamper extradoinare [sic]. Born in Lownote, Arkansas and ascended to Paradise. Went to the Golden Hills on December 30, 1989 at the tender age of 49. The Peddlers of E.C.V. miss him.

Credo Quia Absurdum
Dedicated May 18, 1991 (5996) by chapter representatives of C.A.R.P. &
The Major William Downie Chapter No. 1849 E Clampus Vitus

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