NoeHill Travels in Nevada

Historic Sites and Points of Interest in Douglas County

Record Courier Building in Gardnerville 2 March 2016
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Record Courier Building
218 Eddy Street
Founded 1904

The Record Courier has been published in Douglas County since 1904 when Dr. Southworth merged the Gardnerville Record and the Genoa Weekly Courier into one newspaper. In 2004 the Record Courier marks a solid century of printing.

This building housed the Record Courier for many decades, and also served as the home and office of Bert Selkirk who purchased the paper with W. S. Ezell from Dr. Southworth in 1904.

Under Mr. Selkirk's guidance, the Record Courier printed news including the coverage of both World War I and World War II. At that time, wooden type was set by hand prior to printing.

Source: Adapted from an interpretative marker on the building.

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