NoeHill Travels in California

Historic Sites and Points of Interest in Nevada County

Emigrant Trail to Nevada City
  Emigrant Trail to Nevada City
  View from Washington Ridge on the Emigrant Trail to Nevada City View from Washington Ridge

All Photos 11 December 2013
(Click Photos to Zoom)

Emigrant Trail to Nevada City
State Route 20 Near Washington Road
Tahoe National Forest

The marker reads:

Emigrant Trail to Nevada City

In 1850, the year after the fabulous gold strike on Deer Creek in Nevada City, the Overland Emigrant Trail branched off the original Bear River route at Bear Valley, climbed Washington Ridge and passed this point on its way to Nevada City and Sacramento Valley. Soon thereafter the trail became a toll road and later a public road. The deep vehicle ruts can still be seen as they cross and recross Highway 20 many times.

Placed by the Nevada County Historical Landmarks Commission
Funded by Mr. and Mrs. David Fluke
Nevada City, 1991

Trails West has placed markers at individual campsites along the Emigrant Trail.

Among them are:

Washington Ridge Summit
Opposite Washington Diggings
Leaving Washington Ridge

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