NoeHill Travels in California

Napa County Points of Interest

Napa POW Camp 14 December 2017
(Click Photos to Zoom)
Napa P.O.W. Camp
7292 Silverado Trail
Opened 1945

The marker reads:

Napa P.O.W. Camp

At the request of Great Britain, over 700 POW camps were built within the USA to help alleviate the overcrowding of British camps. On August 14, 1945, three months after Germany surrendered and the day before Japan surrendered, 250 prisoners were received at Camp Napa located on the Silverado Trail just north of Yountville. This was a branch facility of Camp Beale. Prisoners performed labor on surrounding farms and were paid $.80 per day. Local citizens often attended social activities in camp. At war's end, most prisoners repatriated to Germany. Many returned to the USA to renew acquaintances with their former "employers", start families, launch new careers, and become citizens.

Dedicated Sept. 17, 2016
Sam Brannan Chapter 1004
E Clampus Vitus

Credo Quia Absurdum

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