NoeHill Travels in California

California Historical Landmarks in San Joaquin County

California Historical Landmark 755
Corral Hollow
Corral Hollow Road
Near Tracy

California Historical Landmark #755: Corral Hollow
California Historical Landmark #755: Corral Hollow
Near Corral Hollow
15 June 2006
(Click Photos to Zoom)

Corral Hollow

The Edward B. Carrell home was built here at the site of an Indian village on El Camino Viejo, an old Spanish trail. Through here passed the '49ers and the first mail to the Tuolumne mines, men and animals received food and drink at Wright's Zink House five hundred yards north of here.

Citation from California Office of Historic Preservation

We were unable to find an historical marker for Corral Hollow. Here's a list of other California Historical Landmarks which had no bear flag plaque when we visited them.

In December of 2023, Randall Newton sent us an email with details about this missing plaque and other missing plaques in the area:

"The Corral Hollow monument marker. I was born in Tracy on December 7th, 1955, graduated from Tracy high in 1974. I’ve hiked all over the corral hollow area, I’ve been into the old Tesla mines, used to ride my dirt bike for free where it now’s costs you a small fortune. Those monuments were there, the Carrell homesite and Carnegie/Tesla as well. First, the plaques disappeared, after replacement, they were stolen again, never to be replaced, then just shot at for 20 years. By 1980 they were all gone, even the De Anza moment at the junction of corral hollow and Tesla road. One day, I should paint an X in the road, just so somebody knows where they were.""

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