NoeHill Travels in California

California Historical Landmarks in Calaveras County

California Historical Landmark 276
Robinson's Ferry
SR 49 at Stanislaus River
New Melones Reservoir

California Historical Landmark #276: Robinson's Ferry
California Historical Landmark #276: Robinson's Ferry
14 April 2008
(Click Photos to Zoom)

Robinson's Ferry

State Registered Landmark No. 276

In 1848 John W. Robinson and Stephen Mead established ferry transport for freight, animals and persons across river. In 1856 Harvey Wood purchased interest and later acquired property which was maintained by Wood Family until 1911. Charges were 50 cents for each passenger, horse, jenny or other animal.

Marker placed by California Centennials Commission
Base furnished by Angels Camp Lions Club
Dedicated May 22, 1949

Archie D. Stevenot Commemorative Plaque
14 April 2008
(Click Photos to Zoom)

Archie D. Stevenot
"Mr. Mother Lode"
September 25, 1882 - August 1, 1968

Founder of Mother Lode Association in 1919, which created Colorful Highway 49 - California's first highway association.

Plaque and 100 year capsules placed on July 23, 1976 by Golden Chain Council of the Mother Lode and Grand Council of E. Clampus Vitus

Robinson's Ferry Rock Wall
14 April 2008
(Click Photos to Zoom)

Rock Wall
Designed and Constructed
Caltrans - Altaville Maintenance Crew
CDF - Vallecito Fire Crew #5
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